Guest Blog: Top 6 Things You Need To Work On For An Effective Education
Education is a tool that provides people with knowledge, skills, technique, and information. It enables them to know their rights. Proper and adequate education is essential for all of us. It facilitates quality learning throughout life among people of any age, group, caste, creed, religion, and region. Education is going out to institutes to gain knowledge, but there are online schools like online high school South Africa, which lets us understand without much effort. You can also read books of famous authors for their knowledge power, like Mike Holt books.
So as there are many benefits of education, it must be practical and purposeful. Here are some ways to make teaching effective:
- Communication:
To know the art of communicating is very important in education. Information is delivered and received through communication, whether verbal, written, or any route from practical demonstration to artistic interpretation. Anything that gets your point to others is communication. Being a teacher, you need to have excellent communication skills to deliver your knowledge and ideas to the pupils. Simultaneously, the students must develop this ability for their future by joining a debating society or writing in a magazine.
For effective education, you need to be creative, and learning must be creative too. People learn best when something is fun and creative; according to the national standard of education, learning must be fun and exciting. You can take up an artistic hobby pr get used to sharing ideas and brainstorming. Creativity not only helps with a practical education but also enhances your thinking ability.
As said, patience is the key to success. Patience is essential in education. You are supposed to do things as many times as it takes. If you are a teacher, you need to teach one thing to students every time they understand it. As for the student, education requires patience; you need to learn things with patience. You might need to try several times to learn something by heart, which needs patience. When you face challenging behavior, you need to stay calm and patient and not lose your temper. You can improve it by practicing before you speak or make patience your goal.
Enthusiasm boosts your aim, and you aim to make education effective. If you have to do something boring, you can turn it into something you are enthusiastic about. You can make a game of data entry or write poems to help you memorize facts. But the most important thing to bring in enthusiasm is to do what you love. It would be best if you opted for the education of something you are passionate about. This will help you perform effectively in your education field.
One of the essential factors in making education effective is to build confidence in you. Being an education instructor, faith must be the priority. One cannot teach someone if he lacks confidence in himself because there is a vital element to pass to students’ confidence in teaching. A teacher must show spirit, so the students learn its importance and value. And for students, they must know how to gain the confidence required in every field of life. Also, learning involves belief.
Gaining or delivering education can be challenging at times, but you can succeed if you are dedicated. Energy levels are to be at their highest while learning and teaching. At times you will consider yourselves discouraged, but that does not let education have its effects. Instead, it is of no use if you are not dedicated. To make teaching effective, you need to be a dedicated teacher and a dedicated learner.
We need to get a high-level awareness about the importance of knowing more than before. Effective education is essential for each and everyone to improve experience, way of living, and social and economic status throughout life. Getting proper education is the birthrights of everyone restricting, which is a crime. Education is the ultimate way to get victory overall personal and social problems. It is essential to all of us as it plays a crucial role in our life. It transforms us entirely from inside and outside by changing our mind and personality and improving our confidence level. It changes our life completely as it is constructive.
Guest Blog: Senior Drivers – How to Keep Your License
America’s senior citizens are often stereotyped to be bad (sometimes unsafe) drivers. But the truth is that simply growing older does not impair a person’s ability to be safe behind the wheel by default. Many healthy seniors remain skilled drivers and are as adept and alert as anybody, but others struggle with the early signs of health conditions that can affect driving, and would like to do what they can to keep driving and be safe. If physical or cognitive health conditions have progressed to a point where focus and reflexes are hindered even during daily activities not behind the wheel, then driving is not advised.
How Age Affects Driving Competence
Dementia: Cognitive diseases, like Alzheimer’s can hinder an elder’s memory, critical thinking, and problem solving skills needed for minding the road.
Vision and Hearing Impairment: Aging may naturally dull a driver’s sense of sight and hearing. Aged eyes may be more sensitive to sunlight in the windshield or headlights at night. It is important for senior drivers to routinely schedule vision and hearing tests to make sure they are safe to drive.
Arthritis and Weak Joints: Conditions like arthritis can hinder hand dexterity required for turning steering wheels or shifting gears. When joints are weak, actions like buckling a seatbelt or pushing the brakes may be difficult which can be unsafe for drivers.
Reflexes: Sometimes it’s not you who mess up, but other drivers around you. Adept reflexes are crucial to reacting to dynamic developments on the road. Reflexes can be tested by doctors during checkups and physicals to guarantee senior safety.
Over-cautiousness: Sometimes seniors become self-conscious about their difficulty focusing on what’s going on, and may be too safe by going dangerously slow to prevent speeding or car crashes, but actually put other drivers in danger who try to maneuver around them.
Tips for Senior Drivers to Keep License
- It’s wise for very aged seniors who notice the warning signs to stick to familiar destinations with short distances and avoid any anxiety or possibility of getting lost.
- Driving while stressed or tired can lead to making mistakes on the road, which can lead to a revoked license. Only drive when you feel completely ready.
- Keep track of how medications may impact driving skills.
- Always make sure to check your mirrors constantly, especially when changing lanes.
- Give other drivers space by not driving too close behind.
5 Places for Seniors to Get Fit and Make Friends
Aging Baby Boomers want fun, creative exercise that not only keeps them active, but also provides an avenue for making friends. Luckily, programs across the country are stepping up to meet this growing demand. Here are five innovative places and programs that are keeping seniors active, independent, and social.
SilverSneakers is a unique senior wellness program that gives older adults access to over 13,000 fitness centers and classes across the country, all free of charge through qualifying health plans. Organizations that participate in SilverSneakers offer senior-centric fitness classes like low-impact circuit training, yoga, seated exercise, water aerobics, and fall-prevention fitness. More than just an exercise program, SilverSneakers emphasizes the value that friendship and social support bring to senior health. In fact, 74 percent of active SilverSneakers members report they’ve made friends through the program.
The YMCA and YWCA offer a wide range of fitness programs designed for seniors. Whether you’ve just hit your senior years and want to stay fit with Zumba, or you’re limited to chair exercises but still want to get out and stay healthy, your local Y has a senior fitness program for you. Most Ys also have pools, which means that seniors of all ages can enjoy low-impact water exercise to build flexibility and endurance without straining arthritic joints. Seniors can make friends in class and join senior group outings led by YMCA staff.
Multigenerational Community Centers
Senior centers are becoming a thing of the past, and multigenerational centers are taking their place. The new multigenerational centers mix the therapeutic recreation typically found in senior centers with social activities, fitness classes, and recreational sports that appeal to all ages. By creating a place where active people of any age can come together — without neglecting the unique needs of aging adults — multigenerational centers let seniors stay healthy side-by-side with friends of all ages. And since interaction across ages has been shown to be more beneficial to senior mental and cognitive health than senior-to-senior socialization alone, multigenerational centers can help keep seniors stay fit in more ways than one.
Ageless Grace
Ageless Grace combines physical and mental fitness to keep seniors healthy in both body and mind. With lessons that range from memory recall and imagination exercises to upper body strength and joint mobility, Ageless Grace takes a holistic approach to senior fitness. The classes are taught by independent instructors and can be found in churches, retirement homes, schools, and community centers around the country. Since Ageless Grace lessons incorporate both physical activity and mental games, they provide ample opportunity for seniors to interact and make friends. Ageless Grace participates in the SilverSneakers program, so qualified seniors can access their classes free of charge.
Senior Sport Leagues
Nothing promotes bonding quite like team sports, and senior sport leagues are a great option for active older adults who want to meet friends while staying fit. Seniors can access established programs like Granny Basketball, Senior Softball, National Senior League Wii bowling, or the National Senior Games Association. There may also be team sports for seniors available through local community and recreation centers. And if there’s no established league in your town? Enterprising seniors can start their own social league by advertising through existing fitness and community centers.
Staying active in your later years does more than keep you fit. In addition to helping you retain flexibility, improve your balance, and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, staying active can also be an excellent way to maintain a vibrant social life. And socialization comes with its own health benefits, from a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia to better physical mobility. With such a diversity of programs available, there’s a way for every senior to stay active and social.
Image via Flickr by sima dimitric
Chronic Sinusitis
One of the common health complaints of the elderly is chronic sinusitis. About 14.1% of Americans 65 and older report suffering from chronic sinusitis; for those 75 years and older, the rate is slightly lower at 13.5% (American Academy of Otolaryngology, 2012). Age-related physiological and functional changes that occur can cause restrictions to the airflow. This results from irritants blocking drainage of the sinus cavities, leading to infection.
Warning Signs
Symptoms include a severe cold, sneezing, cough (that is often worse at night), hoarseness, diminished sense of smell, discolored nasal discharge, postnasal drip, headache, facial pain, fatigue, malaise, and fever (Kelley, 2002). The person may complain of pain around the sinus areas, and swelling and redness of the nasal mucosa may be evident.
Allergies, common cold, and dental problems should be ruled out for differential diagnosis. When symptoms continue over a period of weeks and up to 3 months and are often recurring, chronic sinusitis should be suspected. A CT scan of the sinuses will likely show areas of inflammation.
Treatment for chronic sinusitis is with antibiotics, decongestants, and analgesics for pain. Inhaled corticosteroids may be needed to reduce swelling and ease breathing. Irrigation with over-the-counter normal saline nose spray is often helpful and may be done two to three times per day. The person with chronic sinusitis should drink plenty of fluids to maintain adequate hydration and avoid any environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke or other toxins. Chronic sinusitis is a condition that many older adults wrestle with their entire life. Avoidance of precipitating factors for each individual should be encouraged.
Adapted from Mauk, K. L., Hanson, P., & Hain, D. (2014). Review of the management of common illnesses, diseases, or health conditions. In K. L. Mauk’s (Ed.) Gerontological Nursing: Competencies for Care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Used with permission.
The Role of the Rehabilitation Nurse
You may have heard of rehabilitation nursing, but are you familiar with what rehabilitation nurses do and their essential role in health care? According to the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN), there are four major domains within the new competency model for professional rehabilitation nursing (ARN, 2016) that can help us understand what rehabilitation nurses do. In this blog, we will look at the ARN model from a layperson’s viewpoint to help explain the role of the rehabilitation nurse. Rehabilitation nurses:
Promote successful living
Rehabilitation nurses do not only care for people, but they promote health and prevent disability. This means that rehab nurses engage in activities that help patients, families and communities stay healthy. Proactively, you might see rehab nurses helping with bike safety (such as promoting the wearing of helmets), car seat fairs (to keep children safe from injury), or stroke prevention through community screenings and teaching about managing risk factors. As rehab nurses, we also help patients towards self-management of existing chronic illness or disability, teaching them how to be co-managers with their health providers so they can maintain independence and have a good quality of life. Another key activity is facilitating safe care transitions. This means that rehabilitation nurses have a special skill set to know which setting of care is best for the patient to move to next and how to make this happen smoothly. For example, if Mrs. Smith has had a stroke and finished her time in acute rehabilitation in the hospital, but she lives alone and is not quite ready to go home, what is the best care setting or services for her to receive the help she needs? Many errors, such as those with medications, happen when patients go from one place to another in the health system. Rehabilitation nurses can help persons successfully navigate these complexities and be sure that clients get the continuity of care they need and deserve.
Give quality care
The interventions or care that rehabilitation nurses provide to patients and families is based on the best scientific evidence available. Part of being a rehab nurse is staying current on the latest technology, strategies for care, and best practices. This is to ensure that all patients receive the highest standard of care possible. We stay current in many ways, including reading journal articles, attending conferences, obtaining continuing education, and maintaining certification in rehabilitation. Research shows that having more certified rehabilitation nurses on a unit decreases length of stay in the hospital. In addition, all of rehab care focuses on the patient and family as the center of the interdisciplinary team. To this end, rehabilitation nurses teach patients and families about their chronic illness or disability across many different areas including: how to take medications; managing bowel and bladder issues; preventing skin breakdown; dealing with behavioral issues that might be present with problems such as brain injury or dementia; coping with changes from a disabling condition; sexuality; working with equipment at home; and ways to manage pain.
Collaborate with a team of experts
Rehabilitation nurses are part of an interprofessional team of physicians, therapists, psychologists, nutritionists, and many others who work together for the best patient outcomes. For persons who have experienced a catastrophic injury or illness, the work of this team of experts sharing common goals will provide the best care, and rehab nurses are the ones who are with the patient 24/7 to coordinate this process. Through effective collaboration, excellent assessment skills, and communication with the rest of the team members, rehab nurses ensure that patient and families are getting well-coordinated care throughout the rehabilitation process. Remember that rehabilitation takes place in many settings, whether on the acute rehab unit, in skilled care, long-term care, or the home. The nurse’s role is to be sure that the holistic plan of care is followed by all staff and that the physicians overseeing medical care are continually informed of patient progress for the best decision-making possible.
Act as leaders in rehabilitation
Not only do rehabilitation nurses provide direct patient care, they are also leaders in the rehabilitation arena. You might be surprised to learn that rehabilitation nurses advocate at the highest level for legislation surrounding funding and policy for those with disabilities and chronic illness, talking with Senators and Congressmen about key issues. ARN has professional lobbyists that continually watch health policy movement in Washington and keep rehab nurses informed. Rehab nurses help patients to advocate for themselves in holding government and communities accountable for needed care services. Lastly, rehab nurses share their knowledge with others. This is done in a variety of ways through conducting and publishing research, presenting at conferences, serving on local and national committees, and serving in public office. All of the leadership activities done by nurses in rehabilitation are to promote the best quality of care for patients with chronic illness and disability.
Quick Guide to Yoga for Senior Citizens
Are you on the hunt for low impact exercise ideas that will help lower your risk for common killers like heart disease? If you have been interested in yoga but hadn’t worked up the nerve to “hit the mat” yet, don’t miss this quick guide:
What is Yoga for Seniors?
Yoga at its core is an ancient practice in breathing, stretching, meditation, and guided poses. Originating in eastern culture, yoga made its way to the U.S. in the late 20th century, building quite a following across the country as different modalities and styles were developed and specialized studios popped up in more and more places.
Yoga has been adapted for seniors specifically by incorporating more seated movements for those with mobility issues, as well as gentler and more educated approaches to limit joint stress and other common age-related ailments. Common yoga styles for seniors include:
Chair yoga – practiced entirely with the use of a chair, either to sit on or support yourself with, this type of yoga incorporates poses that are modified for seniors who cannot bear weight for long periods of time on their legs.
Water yoga – yoga in a pool is the name of this style’s game and offers a weightless, low-impact practice that is hard to find anywhere else.
Restorative yoga – spend extended periods of time practicing stillness and aligning the body and mind in this yoga style that embraces mental wellbeing.
What are the Benefits of Yoga for Seniors?
In addition to offering generous physical exercise for seniors, routine yoga practice also touts a handful of health benefits including:
Weight management
Pain relief
Stress relief
Social interaction
Lowered blood pressure
Joint mobilization
Skin rejuvenation
Better sleep
Senior yoga can be adapted for older adults with a range of ailments including arthritis, diabetes, mobility issues, and even Alzheimer’s.
Where Can I Find a Senior Yoga Class?
Because of the continued boom of the retiree demographic, more and more yoga classes are being offered to seniors in a variety of environments. You can look for senior classes at your area senior or community recreation center as well as at boutique yoga studios, fitness gyms, health clubs, and even within your own retirement community.
If you would rather see what senior yoga is all about at home, try streaming free instructional yoga videos online either on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or smart TV. You can conduct a quick search for “senior yoga tutorial” on or check sites like