Guest Blog: How to Choose the Perfect Wheelchair Cushion?
Let’s face it: There’s no one size for all when it comes to wheelchair cushions.
Therefore, it’s risky buying a wheelchair cushion without pre-evaluation since this might result in serious injuries. Wait a minute? Is it that important getting the right wheelchair cushion?
Prolonged wheelchair usage can result in a variety of infections, pressure points pains, and muscle misalignment such as shoulder tendon tears. According to a research published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), over 2.5 million people in wheelchairs in the United States, develop pressure ulcers, which are one out of many defects faced.
Therefore, to help you make the right choice, we’ve prepared the features and specifics that you need to look for when choosing the right wheelchair cushion. Without much ado, follow us on this immersive journey.
Factors to Consider Before Selecting a Wheelchair Cushion
As mentioned earlier, there’s no “all for one” type of cushion. Rather, you have to find the one that suits you or your patients’ needs. So, consider the needs before choosing a cushion:
Weight: The weight of the user is an important factor to consider. The right cushion must support the weight capacity of the user without losing its shape.
Height: consider the height of your patient before choosing a cushion. Ensure that the cushion is not so thick that the user’s feet doesn’t touch the ground.
Mobility: know the extent of the patient’s use of the wheelchair. Whether the user will sit for prolonged periods or move in and out of the wheelchair periodically, it’s vital to take this into consideration.
Skin condition: skin conditions also have an underlying role in the type of cushion to choose. Consider the skin condition of the user before choosing a cushion.
This settled, let’s explore the specifics you need to look for in wheelchair cushions.
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What to Look For In Wheelchair Cushions
Select the Right Cushion Material
There are a myriad of cushion materials available for wheelchair users – air cells, foams, gels, and even hybrid combinations. To avoid health complications and discomfort, you need to select the right cushion material based on the aforementioned factors.
For instance, lightweight, spongy cushions are great to reduce the strain on the pressure points. More so, they are ideal for those without skin conditions. Since this type of cushion material come in various shapes and sizes, users can pick which suits their needs.
Latex foam wheelchair cushions, on the other hand, have an elastic build that allows it to mold to the user’s body. Since this material doesn’t absorb moisture, it’s resistant to mildew, bacteria presence, and mold. No doubt, latex foam cushions are great for those with a mild inability to retain bodily fluids.
Memory foam cushions offer optimum comfort to users with a higher risk of getting pressure injuries. Just as the name implies, it molds perfectly to your body shape. More so, it can retain its depressed shape longer, thereby, relieving the pain on your pressure points.
Gel Cushions. These type of cushions are produced from plastic polymers which mimic the protective fatty tissues of the buttocks. Patients with sensitive skin conditions will be most comfortable with this TPE type of cushion. With gel cushion, there’s minimal friction between the user’s skin and the cushion surface. In addition to this, gel cushion comes in various forms such as checkered board surface or honeycomb surface.
Although a bit higher priced than the rest, Air-filled Cellular cushions are a great option for those who desire optimum pressure pain relief. What’s interesting about this device is that users can control and monitor the amount of air that goes into the device. Due to this function, wheelchair users can correct their postures, and at the same, prevent pressure points.
Lastly, the Honeycomb cushion, with its specially crafted spongy surface, is fast becoming popular. Manufactured from Thermoplastic urethane (TPU), this device is ideal for users with pressure management needs. Just like a honeycomb, it constitutes of several small cells arranged in a beehive manner. Not only does this evenly distribute weight, but it also supports the user’s weight without losing memory. Unlike air-filled cushions, this doesn’t transfer pressure point from one side of the cushion to other areas.
Cushion Format
Irrespective of your cushion material, the cushion format is also an important feature to consider. So, talk to your rehab specialist or doctor on the best cushion format for your wheelchair. From the saddle cushion, which helps to keep your knees together to the waffle-shaped cushion which protects your skin and allows air to flow freely, there’s no end to your options as a wheelchair user.
Wrapping Up
Finally! As you can see, choosing the right wheelchair cushion is no small feat. Therefore, consider the aforementioned features and get optimum relief from wheelchair-associated infections and conditions.
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How Caregiving Has Become a Routine Part of American Life
By Tess DiNapoli
America’s caregivers support the social and economic foundations of our society. As the population ages, more and more elderly adults need extra care on a regular basis. To address these needs, a significant and growing number of people are serving as caregivers to family members and others in their communities. In addition, we continue to face the challenges of COVID-19, which has caused many Americans to make the choice to keep their elderly relatives at home and provide care for them. These realities are making caregiving a more routine part of American life.
Who are the caregivers?
The number of Americans providing care for family and other members of their communities has grown over the last five years. According to an AARP study, 43.5 million adults in the United States are caregivers. The vast majority of those caregivers, 34.2 million, are providing care for adults 50 and over.
A substantial number of caregivers are also caring for more than one person, the majority of them being women, as they’re likely looking after both young children and their aging parents.
Multigenerational households
One of the growing realities in America is that many households span multiple generations. Older adults want to stay out of congregate senior care facilities as long as possible, and adult children often become their caregivers. To lessen the burdens of caregiving, a number of these adult children are choosing to bring their parents to live in their own homes with them.
Challenges of caregiving
Caregivers face a multitude of challenges as they provide support to older adults. The time commitment of caregiving is substantial, the financial strain can be significant, especially for unpaid caregivers, and the emotional stress of caring for others can affect the mental health and well-being of the caregiver.
Time challenges
The Family Caregiver Alliance indicates that family caregivers spend an average of over 24 hours providing care each week. This time commitment is on top of the demands of jobs, children, and social obligations. The number of hours a caregiver devotes to caregiving increases when the care recipient lives in the same household. The time commitment also increases with the age of the care recipient.
Financial challenges
When a caregiver is spending a significant number of hours providing care, they are not as available for extra work hours or more work responsibilities. As a consequence, caregivers are often forced to pass up promotions or cut their work hours, diminishing their own earning potential. These financial decisions can have long-lasting effects, potentially lowering social security benefits and retirement savings.
Mental health challenges
The American Psychological Association has identified several mental health concerns that are common among those providing senior care. Depression, anxiety, and guilt are some of the most prevalent challenges to the mental well-being of caregivers.
Benefits of caregiving
Despite these significant challenges, there are benefits to more routine caregiving in American life. Caregivers are less isolated with a growing number of other adults facing the same burdens. As caregiving becomes a more normal aspect of adult life, communities of caregivers help to ease some of the burdens and challenges they all face.
In addition, seniors benefit from remaining at home to receive care and support. They are not constrained by the schedules of care facilities and they can retain a degree of independence, which helps with mental well-being. Remaining in familiar surroundings can ease the strain and anxiety of aging as well.
Caregivers can help their care recipients to maintain their own mental health. One of the risks to elderly adults as they age is social isolation. They are not as able to get out of the house and socialize with their peers, whether due to physical limitations, no longer being able to drive themselves, or both. Caregivers provide much-needed companionship and can keep those in their care from getting lonely and depressed.
There are financial benefits as well. The costs of institutional care for the elderly are often prohibitive. Providing care to older adults in their homes is a cost-effective alternative for those who do not need around-the-clock care.
The reality is that the largest population in America, the baby boomer generation, is now aging. The care needs of these older adults will continue to be an increasing element of American society over the coming years, and we’ll need to prepare ourselves to meet that challenge as well.