Guest Blog: Technological Solutions That Assist the Elderly
According to the Census Bureau, as of 2011, seniors make up 13.3 percent of the U.S. population. By 2060, seniors are expected to account for at least 20 percent of the population. For many centuries now, the needs of seniors have been taken care of accordingly.
They have doctors who look after them and a caregiver, nurse, or family member who helps ensure they can move around comfortably. However, seniors today are aging at the best time. Thanks to continued advancements in technology, staying healthier and more independent has never been easier.
Fortunately, technology help for seniors nowadays has never been better. For starters, the elderly now have access to a vast range of inspired and practical gadgets that are designed to meet their ever-evolving medical and emotional needs.
Fascinating Technological Solutions for the Elderly
Below are some of the fantastic technological innovations that have helped seniors live fulfilling, happier, and more active lives:
Intuition Robotics
Founded in 2016, this company aims to help older adults avoid feelings of social isolation and loneliness—issues that have been known to contribute to poor health. Their debut product is a robot called ElliQ, hailed as a “sidekick for happier aging.”
ElliQ is designed to initiate conversations that can help seniors engage in healthy behaviors (i.e., nudges to take medications), stay in touch with their friends and loved ones, and stay connected with the outside world.
ElliQ can also check the weather and can determine if it’s conducive for a walk. Loved ones and friends can also interact with ElliQ and can send photos through the app. The pre-order cost for the product is at $1,500 and the monthly fee is set at $30.
Neuro Rehab VR
Neuro Rehab VR was founded in 2017. Their primary goal is to provide a virtual reality experience for elderly patients that are undergoing physical therapy following a brain or spinal cord injury, stroke, and other degenerative diseases.
What makes the VR experience even more phenomenal is how targeted the technology is. By using machine learning, they tailor exercises based on the patient’s specific ability and therapy needs.
The bespoke virtual therapy exercises also record kinematic and physiological responses and quantify the patient’s progress with scores and metrics. Patients are also transported to a virtual world that covers a vast range of situations.
a cloud-based platform that specializes in patient wellness and health through connected care. Their latest offering, VitalBand, was launched in June of 2018. VitalBand is an emergency fall-detection and call-out watch.
VitalBand is also used to track vital signs like oxygen saturation, respiratory and heart rate, physical activity, and sleep quality. It also provides users with medication reminders.
If a fall is detected, an alert goes to a certified call center to dispatch emergency services. If the senior prefers that a loved one is notified first, the fall alert can be sent to up to five preconfigured family members through email or text.
With so many breakthrough technological innovations now designed to help the elderly, they can now look forward to a future where they can enjoy healthier, happier, and longer lives.
About the Author
Melissa Andrews is the Content Marketing Strategist for Paradise Living Centers, an assisted living center for seniors with locations in Paradise Valley and Phoenix, Arizona. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and going on hiking trips with her siblings and cousins.
Guest Blog: 5 Simple Ways for Seniors to Combat Hip Pain
Almost one-fourth (23.9 percent) of seniors between the ages of 60 and 90 suffer from frequent hip pain.
Whether it’s the result of a bad fall or is brought on by a combination of poor mechanics and old age, it’s important for seniors to know that they’re not doomed to suffer from hip pain for the rest of their lives.
Read on to learn some simple tips to help seniors combat hip pain.
1. Do Hip Bridges
A hip bridge is one of the best exercises you can do to combat hip pain.
To do this exercise, simply lie on your back with your feet hip-distance apart and planted on the ground. Press into the ground and lift your hips in the air, trying to form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees (don’t arch your back).
Hold for 3-5 seconds, then return to the beginning. Complete ten repetitions.
2. Use Ice Daily
Icing your hip can work wonders for relieving pain and inflammation, especially if your hip pain is brought on by bursitis or arthritis. Depending on your pain level, you can ice your hip up to 4-5 times per day in 10-15-minute increments.
3. Raise the Seat
Many seniors find that their hip pain is aggravated when they try to lower themselves onto and raise themselves up from a chair, sofa, or even a toilet. Devices like a chairlift or a raised toilet seat can help reduce hip strain for seniors as they stand up and sit down.
4. Stretch Consistently
Consistent stretching is also important for relieving pain and improving hip mobility. The figure 4 stretch is one of the best for hip pain.
Start by lying on your back with your knees bent. Lift the leg that’s bothering you and cross it over your other leg so that your ankle is resting on your opposite thigh. Pull the bent leg in toward your chest, clasping your hands around the back of your thigh if possible. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then release and switch sides.
5. Use Natural Anti-Inflammatories
Finally, instead of using over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, which can cause serious issues for seniors, try using a natural anti-inflammatory like curcumin (found in turmeric). Turmeric is safe for most people, and research shows it works just as well as ibuprofen for improving joint pain and function.
Four Most Effective Ways to Treat Bone Spurs
Bone spurs, which are small projections that develop on the edges of bones, are a highly common ailment that affects about 2 percent of the U.S. population.
People of any age can develop bone spurs, but they’re especially common in senior citizens since they are often associated with osteoarthritis-related joint damage.
Bone spurs don’t always require medical treatment, but, depending on their location, they can contribute to joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness that limit mobility. Bone spurs along the spine are particularly problematic, as are ones that develop in the knee or ankle joints.
For seniors who are struggling with bone spurs, there are lots of different treatment options available, including the four listed below.
1. Weight Loss
Weight loss is one of the most effective treatments for managing bone spurs, especially spinal bone spurs.
Changing your diet will is, generally speaking, the most effective weight loss tool. Focus on limiting your caloric intake and cutting out greasy fast food and highly processed snacks. Replace them with high-quality protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats like avocados and olive oil.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also help lubricate the joints and relieve inflammation.
2. Lifestyle Aids
There are lots of tools out there as well that can help relieve pain caused by bone spurs. Some good options to invest in include:
Supportive shoes that cushion the feet and avoid putting extra strain on the joints
Orthotic inserts to provide extra support
A shoe horn to help you avoid bending over and aggravating your back while getting dressed
3. Regular Exercise
Exercise releases natural painkillers in the form of endorphins. It also strengthens the muscles to help support the joints and relieve pressure placed on them.
Resistance training, walking, and swimming are all good exercise options for people struggling with bone spurs. Work with a trainer or physical therapist to make sure you’re practicing proper form and not doing anything to aggravate your condition.
4. Minimally Invasive Surgery
Finally, some people require minimally invasive surgery to get rid of their bone spurs. When you undergo surgery, a doctor will use state-of-the-art equipment to identify the spur and extract it.
This is typically an outpatient procedure, and the recovery time only lasts a few hours — you’ll be up and walking shortly after and won’t have to deal with an extended hospital stay.
Guest Blog: How to Make a Difference in the Lives of Seniors in Your Community
From the loneliness and isolation that many seniors face to the physical impairments or disabilities that may limit their ability to perform some daily tasks on their own, many aging adults could benefit from the assistance of other members in their community. If you’re interested in helping seniors living in your neighborhood, the following resources will familiarize you with the different challenges that many aging adults face, as well as some of the things you can do to help out.
The Challenges of Growing Older
There is a saying that growing older is not for sissies, and in a sense that is very true. It stems, of course, from the fact that the strength and vibrance of our bodies and minds can wane over the years. Being aware of the challenges older people face can help you recognize opportunities and define your responses to them.
- Explore this comprehensive guide to issues facing seniors
- Seniors who are growing older without partners or family close by face unique struggles
- Growing older means coming to grips with one’s mortality; be sensitive to the spiritual needs seniors experience
- Among their challenges, basic needs like performing household tasks and meal preparation can be difficult for seniors
- Falling is a major health concern for seniors, even in their own homes
What You Can Do to Help
Sometimes finding opportunities isn’t the hardest part of assisting seniors; sometimes it’s finding practical solutions. Seniors face problems big and small that you can solve, though. Thankfully, most of those solutions are surprisingly straightforward, and really just require a little bit of thinking outside the box. Explore these simple strategies for some of the concerns you might realize are part of an older adult’s life.
- Isolation is a common health issue for seniors but there are practical solutions
- Being homebound is an issue for many seniors
- Teaching technology to seniors is a great way to connect them with others and help them feel engaged, even if they are homebound
- An Echo Dot is an affordable device for seniors that allows them to perform a variety of practical tasks
- Most seniors can get comfortable with smart speakers like Alexa pretty quickly with a few pointers, and they reap many benefits
- Taking quick, easy and healthy meals to seniors helps to ensure they receive proper nutrition
- Another idea is to set up a senior with grocery delivery for fresh meals
- Senior Care Central offers individualized care solutions for seniors
If your family is interested in giving back to seniors in your community, this guide will help you to get started. By sharing your time, helping a senior neighbor with housework, and cooking meals for aging adults in your community, you’ll be making a difference in the lives of local seniors.
Guest Blog: 5 Ways to Deal with Weight Gain
Putting on a bit of weight – a pound or two – each year as you grow older is fairly normal, but weight gain is not always inevitable. Many people simply assume that everyone gains a little weight as they get older. They tend to accept it as a part of growing old. You don’t have to do that.
We do put on weight as we age because we become more sedentary, move around less frequently, and eat more calories even when our metabolism has begun to slow down. But, there are ways to deal with weight gain.
Here in this post, we will discuss the top five ways to deal with weight gain as you grow older. Read on.
1. More Physical Activity
To prevent weight gain, it is important to add regular movement to your day. This is the MOST important advice that you shouldn’t ignore at any cost.
You can go on morning/evening walks more often, take the stairs at work, or hit the gym a few times each week.
You need to move around.
The chief reason why we lose muscle mass as we grow old, which in turn lowers metabolism, is that we spend too much time without any physical movement. After the age of 40, we lose around 8% of lean muscle mass with each passing decade.
When you are physically active, it will be much easier to preserve muscle mass and maintain a healthy metabolic rate. Activities such as regular exercise, lifting weights, etc. will also increase bone density. You can also try doing yoga at home or at a local fitness training center.
Remember, every little bit counts when you are dealing with weight gain.
If you are on medication, have an existing health condition or are recovering from an injury, be sure to speak with your doctor before you start with a new exercise routine.
2. Get More Protein
Taking more protein at each meal/snack not only helps in building and repairing muscle mass, but it also helps control the appetite.
The best way to use protein-rich foods to reverse the weight-gain cycle is to choose the leanest sources. You need to eat foods that are high in protein but low in fats.
Some of the leanest sources include non-fat dairy products, seafood, egg white, poultry breast, lean pieces of red meat, beans, tofu, lentils, etc.
Your high-protein breakfast for weight management can include skim-milk with some lean sources such as low-fat yogurt and an egg.
Your high-protein lunch/dinner for weight management can include 2-3 ounces of lean meat. You can have some skim milk during lunch and dinner as well.
3. Watch What You Eat
Bid adieu to foods (e.g. junk food) and drinks (e.g. soda) that provide little or no nutrient value.
Limit your carbohydrate intake as much as possible.
You can limit both the size and the type of carbohydrate you are consuming on a daily basis.
Carbs from whole gain, for instance, can be helpful in dealing with weight gain.
Each time you are hungry, try to eat something that’s low on calories and makes you feel fuller.
Many vegetables and whole fruits, for instance, provide a wide range of nutrients (along with fiber and water) for a comparatively small number of calories.
4. Be Realistic
As you grow older, you will need more time to lose weight. Someone 10 years younger than you can deal with weight gain more easily.
So, you must focus on the process instead of getting worried about weight gain. You need to eat right and keep yourself physically active. Your body will respond to these two major lifestyle changes in its own time.
5. Maintain a Diary
Do not let yourself believe that you cannot stop gaining weight simply because you are getting older.
You can keep a daily journal to keep yourself motivated. You can write things like – how much weight you lost or gained in a week, how much time you spent exercising/strength-training, and how much water/healthy-drinks you consumed each week.
You can monitor the progress you are making each week.
This way, it is easier to stay the course.
Author Bio
Sarah Remmington is one of the founders of Garcinia Cambogia 100 Pure supplements based out of Southern California with several other locations throughout the US. Sarah’s company has become a global brand and now a household name with the success of her most popular dietary supplement which has been featured on many different media channels.