
Guest Blog: What to Look For in a Senior Living Community

Before you look up a senior living community or Google personal care homes near me, you should first get to know about the common options available for where your aging parents can reside.

Below are the most popular and preferred options to pick from –

  • Independent Living – This type of living is good for the elderly who can largely function independently with occasional medical care required. Medical care is provided in collaboration with hospitals or medical establishments. Typical services include accommodation, laundry, transportation, housekeeping, and other amenities like pool, concierge service, library, fitness center, etc.
  • Assisted Living Assisted living centers, in addition to accommodation also provide onsite health care and help with ADLs like dressing, bathing, and medication management so residents can live independently. The setting is very home-like without the residents having to worry about maintenance, cooking, or cleaning. There’s round-the-clock supervision available.
  • Memory Care – This facility is specifically designed to treat and care for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. The staff is medically trained to handle their special medical needs. The rooms and buildings are structured to avoid wandering. Supervision is available all the time with plenty of programs for socialization. There are housing and laundry services along with an emergency medical call system.
  • Enhanced Living – You can think of this facility as a move up from Independent living with a whole lot of extra services available.


Things To Look For In A Senior Living Community

Senior Living Culture

Now the living culture is not something that you define in words. It’s mostly just a feel or a vibe that you pick up on. At times, you just know it when you visit the facility. Other times it’s a hunch of an intuition.

To truly assess the culture, it’s better if you call up your list of communities and visit them one by one. Observe the residents and see if they seem happy. How is the staff? Are they polite to respond? Is the overall energy of the place happy? Ask for social activities to keep the residents happy.

Lifestyle & Wellness

Lifestyle and wellness largely depend on the social calendar of the place. So, be sure to look at those activities as well as exercise, health, and wellness programs. Make sure to ask about how often the residents are allowed to go out for activities.

What about housekeeping and laundry services? How often are friends and families allowed to visit? Is there a dedicated private or common area for family get-togethers? What about pets? Are they allowed?

Staff and Care

How many staff members are present at the facility? Are the staff members nice to interact with the residents? Do they seem polite? What kind of help can you expect from them? Is the medical staff made to undergo regular training to update their knowledge?

What’s the mode of communication for updating families on the health updates of the residents? Also, how quickly can you expect your questions to be answered? What kind of care is available for residents with special medical issues such as diabetes, memory, or mobility issues?

What’s Food Like?

Food is a huge part of staying healthy during old age. So, this is something you must not overlook. If possible, arrange for a tour of the mess/kitchen. Look into how the food is prepared. Are the conditions there hygienic?

What about the food menu? Does it look interesting? Is it extensive and accommodates special dietary restrictions such as gluten-free and vegan-friendly foods? What are the dining hours like and is there food sampling available?

Extra Amenities

It’s not uncommon for people to get stuck between two close contenders. Sometimes two communities can look exactly the same; making it difficult to pick one. When faced with such a dilemma it’s often the extra amenities that help you make the right choice.

See if the laundry and housekeeping services are free. Some facilities charge extra for those. Look into community events, transportation, or socialization activities. Anything extra is a good thing to consider.

History and Reputation

How long has the community been in business? For how long has the management been with the community? What about the staff? For how many years they have been working there?

One of the best things to discern all this and more is to go online. Check out reviews and see what they have to say. Pay attention to how the community has responded to negative reviews. Only avoid the community if you come across something disturbing like bad handling of residents or complete neglect on part of the staff.

Bottom Line

Selecting the right living community for your senior can seem like a daunting task. But, if you invest a little bit of time and effort, it should be a cakewalk.

By |2023-11-20T17:13:57-05:00December 3rd, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on Guest Blog: What to Look For in a Senior Living Community

Guest Blog: Tips For Preventing Falls Among The Elderly

Falls among seniors are more common than you think.

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 36 million older adults suffer a fall each year.

Our muscles lose strength, and our balance and coordination decline as we get older. As our senior loved ones are already at a certain age, they are now more prone to falls, and it could only get worse as they get on in years.

However, we can take steps to keep our seniors from suffering falls. Here are some tips on how to prevent falls among the elderly.


Make sure your parent’s or grandparent’s space is clutter-free. You can’t have random stuff lying all over the place, becoming a tripping hazard for seniors. The floors that your elderly loved one walks on should always be clear, with nothing to step, slip, and trip on.

Put Up Grab Bars & Handrails In Strategic Spots

Seniors can use additional support when walking around the house. So, it would be great if the hallways, bathrooms, and stairways are fitted with handrails and grab bars.

Add More Lights

Our seniors typically have poor eyesight, which can only get worse under poor lighting conditions. By installing additional lights (and brighter ones at that), seniors will have a better chance of seeing and avoiding tripping and slipping hazards as they go about the house.

Use Only Non-Slip Mats & Rugs

All the mats and rugs in the house should be the non-slip type or secured to the floor.

Get Them To Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is crucial to keeping the muscles, bones, and sense of balance of our seniors strong. Walking, lifting light weights, climbing stairs, or doing something as simple as standing on one leg for a minute or two can already help them stay as fit as possible. The fitter they are, the lower their risk of suffering a fall.

Tell Them To Be More Careful

Sometimes, seniors fall because they try to move too fast when walking across the room or getting out of bed. Tell them they need to be more careful when doing so and always move at a more comfortable pace.

Falls don’t have to be synonymous with getting older. By taking the necessary precautions, our seniors stand a better chance of avoiding them.


About the Author

 Melissa Andrews is the Content Marketing Strategist for Paradise Living Centers, an assisted living center for seniors with locations in Paradise Valley and Phoenix, Arizona. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and going on hiking trips with her siblings and cousins.



By |2023-11-20T17:13:32-05:00December 2nd, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on Guest Blog: Tips For Preventing Falls Among The Elderly

How to Maintain Mental Wellness in Your Senior Years


 Aging is a characteristic piece of life, and as we become older, maintaining excellent mental health turns out to be increasingly crucial. While actual health frequently takes the spotlight, mental wellness is similarly fundamental in ensuring a top-notch life during one’s senior years. In this article, we will investigate the critical techniques to maintain mental wellness in your old years, taking inspiration from mental health influencers who have prepared for positive aging.

The Meaning of Mental Wellness in Seniors

Mental wellness incorporates close-to-home, mental, and social prosperity. It involves managing pressure, maintaining connections, and making decisions that upgrade your satisfaction. In your senior years, mental wellness is especially critical because of multiple factors:

  1. Emotional Resilience

The capacity to deal with life’s difficulties and return quickly from misfortune is essential for seniors. Excellent mental health empowers profound flexibility, helping seniors adapt to health issues, misfortune, and other life-altering events.

  1. Cognitive Function

Mental wellness is intently attached to mental capability. Staying mentally dynamic through exercises like reading, riddles, and learning new abilities can assist seniors with preserving their mental capacities and memory.

  1. Quality of Life

Seniors with significant mental health are bound to partake in a top-notch life. They can remain socially connected, seek after their interests, and continue to lead fulfilling lives.

  1. Physical Health

Mental and actual health intertwine. Seniors with solid mental wellness are bound to participate in healthy behavior, like activity, a reasonable eating routine, and normal healthcare visits.

Methodologies for Maintaining Mental Wellness

  1. Stay Truly Active

Normal activity is a valuable asset for maintaining mental wellness. It discharges endorphins, which can support the mind-set and lessen the gamble of sorrow. Exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga can assist with keeping both body and mind in top shape. Mental health influencers frequently stress the association between actual work and profound prosperity.

  1. Maintain Social Connections

Loneliness and social segregation can harm mental health. Seniors ought to effectively search out friendly interactions with family, companions, and, surprisingly, new acquaintances. Mental health influencers frequently energize the significance of maintaining solid informal organizations.

  1. Pursue lasting Learning

Engaging in continuous learning is a successful method for keeping the mind sharp and advancing mental wellness. Whether it’s picking up another side interest, learning an instrument, or taking courses, intellectual pursuits can give a feeling of achievement and motivation.

  1. Manage Stress

Stress is a piece of life, yet persistent pressure can negatively affect mental health. Practicing pressure-the-board strategies like reflection, profound breathing, and mindfulness can assist seniors with staying quiet and centered. Mental health influencers frequently share their encounters with pressure-decrease plans.

  1. Seek Proficient Support

Assuming seniors are experiencing symptoms of despair, uneasiness, or other mental health issues, looking for proficient help is fundamental. Mental health influencers frequently destigmatize treatment and counseling, emphasizing that seeking support is a bold move toward better mental health.

  1. Stay Positive

Maintaining an uplifting perspective on life can fundamentally influence mental wellness. Practicing appreciation, focusing on the present, and embracing a feeling of direction can assist seniors with finding euphoria and satisfaction in their senior years. Mental health influencers frequently share inspirational and positive messages to inspire their supporters.

 Manage Constant Illness

Seniors frequently must adapt to persistent health conditions. Managing these circumstances successfully is pivotal for mental wellness. Adhering to treatment plans, staying informed, and seeking support gatherings can all add to better close-to-home prosperity.

 Engage in Imaginative Expression

Innovative articulation, like artistry, writing, or music, can be a helpful source for seniors. It permits them to articulate their thoughts, process their feelings, and find satisfaction in their imaginative undertakings. Mental health influencers frequently utilize innovative articulation as a method for sharing their stories and inspiring others.

 Volunteer and Give Back

Volunteering isn’t just a method for giving back to the local area but also a valuable chance to feel a feeling of direction and achievement. Helping others can support confidence and mental prosperity. Numerous mental health influencers find satisfaction in their backing work and volunteering endeavors.

  • Embrace Technology

Innovation can assist seniors with staying associated with friends and family, accessing mental health assets, and participating in mentally stimulating exercises. Utilizing cell phones, tablets, and PCs can open up a universe of chances for seniors to remain mentally dynamic and socially locked in.

Inspirational Mental Health Influencers

 Mental health influencers have made considerable commitments to the talk on profound prosperity in seniors and individuals, everything being equal. Their stories and support endeavors act as an inspiration for seniors looking to maintain their mental wellness. The following are a couple of influential figures who have made ready:

  1. Patricia Edgar

Patricia Edgar, a promoter for senior mental wellness, has spoken enthusiastically about the significance of staying dynamic and socially associated and participating in meaningful exercises in one’s senior years. Her backing has inspired numerous seniors to lead dynamic and fulfilling lives.

  1. John Grohol

As the organizer behind Psych Focal, John Grohol has been a vocal defender of mental health mindfulness. His work underlines the significance of seeking proficient help and reducing the shame surrounding mental health issues.

  1. Wendy Sue Swanson

Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, a pediatrician, has utilized her foundation to urge a comprehensive way to deal with mental wellness, highlighting the association between physical and psychological health. She advocates for standard activity, nourishment, and a solid interpersonal organization.

  1. Rudy Caseres

Rudy Caseres has become a prominent promoter of mental health mindfulness, especially within the senior local area. His endeavors have urged seniors to look for treatment, decrease the shame surrounding mental health, and participate in open discussions about their close-to-home prosperity.


Maintaining mental wellness in your senior years isn’t just imaginable but fundamental for a fulfilling and meaningful life. The systems examined, inspired by mental health influencers, offer a guide for promoting close-to-home prosperity in seniors. Staying genuinely dynamic, nurturing social associations, embracing deep-rooted learning, and managing pressure are almighty tools to improve mental health and make a positive aging encounter. The excursion to mental wellness in your senior years is an ongoing cycle; one loaded up with open doors for development, association, and a significant feeling of satisfaction.

By |2023-11-02T12:32:30-05:00November 2nd, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on How to Maintain Mental Wellness in Your Senior Years

How to Prepare for Senior Living

As Americans age, they must face the prospect of what to do when maintaining their independence is no longer recommended or feasible. The following resources from Senior Care Central will help you and your family figure out how best to make decisions about retirement communities, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes.

How Do I Know When to Make a Change?

Sometimes it is difficult to know when it’s time to change your living arrangements or those of an aging loved one. Check out these sources for help in knowing when the time is right.

  • Consumer Affairs lists 17 signs that it may be time to consider assisted living.
  • If you’re still unsure about moving into senior care, perhaps aging in place is an option, at least for a little while.

How Do I Know a Facility is a Good One?

Once you are certain a senior care option is necessary, you have to choose the location. However, there are so many facilities in operation that it can be difficult to tell which one is best for you or your loved one. Utilize these tools to make sure you’ve made the best choice.

  • There are several websites that rate retirement communities, so be sure to take these reviews into consideration.
  • However, many people are more comfortable with consumer reviews, so don’t neglect this source of information.
  • It also doesn’t hurt to check out what government inspection procedures are and to make sure the facility you’re considering has few if any citations against it.

How Do I Pay for Long-Term Senior Care?

It is hard enough figuring out senior care without even considering the costs associated with it, but sooner or later, the price of assisted living must be taken into consideration. Fortunately, there are many ways to make the cost affordable.

It may not be pleasant as you investigate options for senior living, but it will likely be necessary. The process can be confusing and stressful, but the resources discussed in this article will make the process a little easier to understand and navigate.



By |2023-08-25T18:55:33-05:00September 1st, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on How to Prepare for Senior Living

Guest Blog: 5 Signs of Mental Health Issues for Seniors

When you’ve started to notice changes in an elderly relative, you may wonder if a mental health issue is the cause. While it is important a mental health professional diagnoses these issues, some signs exist indicating that the time has come to make an appointment.

Depression can occur for a host of reasons. Elderly individuals may be suffering from the loss of a loved one, or they may feel alienated, isolated or otherwise separated from their friends or from their interests outside of the house. Individuals who seem filled with sadness and negative emotions or who are hinting about emotional turmoil may need outpatient or inpatient treatment for depression.

Anxiety Issues/Bipolar Disorder
You may also notice that your loved ones are having heightened periods of elevation followed by periods of deep sadness. They could be suffering from bipolar disorder. Serious anxieties could begin to manifest at this age too. For example, you may notice that your elderly relatives always seem to be thinking about their own death or about expected loss of other loved ones.

Memory Loss
As people age, you may think that it is a normal occurrence for them to forget information that they would have once remembered. However, these early slips could be signs of a more serious problem that is coming into fruition. Your loved ones might now be forgetting about certain dates or social events, but these struggles could turn into failures to take medication or complete other necessary medical tasks.

Personal Care
If you notice that your loved ones are not taking care of themselves as they used to, this situation could also be a sign of mental health issues. For example, you may have noticed that your relatives are no longer brushing their teeth or bathing on a regular basis. Seeking professional help can uncover the root of the issue so that a plan of treatment can be devised.

Social Withdrawal
Your loved ones might also seem to not want to participate in social activities anymore. Whether they are constantly declining invites to attend family functions or they do not want to participate in community activities any longer, these decisions could be signs that a mental health issue is present.

As your loved ones age, you may be the lookout for physical health issues. While addressing these problems is imperative, so is watching for signs of mental health struggles. May is mental health awareness month, get involved to help bring awareness to this important cause!

By |2023-07-31T12:46:32-05:00August 16th, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on Guest Blog: 5 Signs of Mental Health Issues for Seniors
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