Do You Need a Medical Alert System?

White clock with words Time for Action on its face

Medical alert systems can provide an added layer of protection that can help you lead an independent life. No matter your age, falling or being caught in a situation where you’re unable to summon medical help in the case of an emergency can be a very real concern. Though medical alert systems are closely associated with senior citizens, they’re a great asset that can offer assistance for a variety of ages and medical conditions.

It’s important to note that medical alert systems are not the same thing as medical ID jewelry. Medical ID jewelry may come in the form of a bracelet or necklace engraved with personal information that identifies medical conditions first responders need to know in order to attend you. These are commonly used for responders to know if a patient has specific drug and food allergies, prescribed medicines, emergency contacts or conditions that could impair judgment such as Alzheimer’s. A medical ID should have the medical emblem also known as the Star of Life that contains the snake and staff symbol.

Medical alert systems, on the other hand, are small electronic devices that allow you to connect with a dispatcher who can seek emergency help or contact a designated family member or friend to come to your aid should you need medical assistance.

Most of these devices can be worn as aw or necklace and function by utilizing wireless voice, data, and geographic location technology to allow for accurate location-tracking and real-time monitoring.

This is ideal for anyone from an unaccompanied minor walking to the bus, a senior living alone that would like more autonomy, or a person that would feel safer walking home late from work.

If you’re considering medical alert devices, there are a variety of features and service options to choose from, including:

Environmental monitoring: Some medical alert systems have integrated carbon monoxide monitoring that contain sensors that measure concentration of gas in the environment.

Mobile caregiver tools: Some medical alert systems offer real-time monitoring apps for caregivers to view on their mobile devices. These features will notify caregivers should there be any unusual patterns, periods of inactivity, or low battery life on the user’s medical alert device.

GPS location services: The GPS accuracy level for certain medical alert systems may suffer interference if used inside a multilevel building. It’s recommended that you let your medical alert company know the layout of the building where the user is residing so that when help is summoned, it arrives at the right place.

Language support: Medical alert systems are becoming popular, and many companies now offer real-time translators that are able to communicate in up to 180 languages. If you need assistance in another language other than English, ask an agent if they offer translation services before purchasing the device.

Fall Detection: Some alert systems come with fall detection technology that constantly monitor the speed and direction of the user’s movements. If it detects an unusual movement, such as a fall, the device will alert the monitoring center after a specific period of inactivity.

Waterproof: Most slips and falls can happen when you’re in the shower. Luckily, the majority of medical alert devices are waterproof to help ensure your safety at all times.

A quality medical alert system will provide you the peace of mind to go about your life feeling secure and independent. To learn more details regarding the equipment, contract, price, reputation and certifications for the best medical alert systems nationwide please read this in-depth study at At the end of the day, this is a good investment for your health and wellbeing.