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Her name is Amelia…and I’m her Grandma!
My daughter is expecting a baby, my second biological grandchild, on Christmas Day this year (She came early). I say second because the first one is in heaven, lost to a miscarriage in the early weeks, so we never got to see him or her. But this new little one on the way is a girl, and she should make her big debut in December.
With the wonders of modern ultrasound, I have already seen pictures of my 4 ½ month gestational granddaughter. She has all her fingers and toes, has been screened for a variety of genetic disorders in utero, and seems to be perfectly healthy and active. My, how far we have come since I had my own children when we waited to be surprised at even the gender of the baby.
So many friends have told me that I will love being a Grandmother. I know they are right because my heart is already longing to see her. I’ve talked to her through Rachel’s tummy so she might recognize my voice once she’s “on the outside”, and have already tried to persuade her that I will be her favorite Nana, of course. Before we knew she was Amelia and not Luke, I bought color-neutral baby clothes and toys with an animal theme like ducks or monkeys. Now I can indulge myself in every store, browsing the pink and frilly, the cute and cuddly, the prim and prissy, choosing kittens and crowns instead of puppies and trains.
Rachel asked how I felt about being a Grandma, and I’m not quite sure. I am excited (for me), scared (about the pregnancy and delivery for mom, Rachel), and nervous (hoping everything will go smoothly) all at the same time. One of the first notions that came to mind was when I told my Dad (was it really 30 years ago?) that I was expecting Rachel and asked him how he felt about being a Grandpa. He replied, “Well, I feel great about being a Grandpa, but I don’t know how I feel about sleeping with a Grandma!” I often wonder how long he had been waiting to use that line!
Amelia will be born into an interesting family. She will have two older half-siblings and six aunts and uncles. Her Mom is a fine veterinarian and her Dad is a professional cowboy, and she will be raised on the Western Slopes of beautiful Colorado in the San Juan Mountains. Surely she will be a terrific horse rider and probably be the Rodeo Queen one day like her older sister. Maybe she will be a singer and dancer like her mother or learn to team rope steer with her father. Amelia will be a lovely looking child with such striking parents as she has. Her in-utero personality is feisty and active. Yes, I love her already.
Amelia, maybe someday you will read this and know that I thought of you constantly before you were born. You make me remember what it was like when I was pregnant with your Mom and how I cherished her through all her life and sent so many prayers up to heaven for her that you couldn’t possibly count them all. Your Mom’s life is an amazing story and yours will be too. I can’t wait to meet you, Amelia. You are the promise that life will continue beyond your Grandma’s old age and that something precious will remain on this earth even when I am gone. Grow big and strong until it’s time to meet the world. You will be the best Christmas present ever.