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Guest Blog: 5 Aged Care Aids that Should Be Accessible to Health Workers

When you are involved in the healthcare sector in Australia, and dealing with aged caregiving, you need to know what you may need to take care of the elderly under your supervision. Aged care requires some equipment and aids to be accessible to healthcare workers in order for them to perform their duties responsibly.

After all, health care workers dealing with aged caregiving is more demanding than many other jobs. You have to be on call for tending to the needs of the elderly in your care. If the equipment you have is insufficient, there might be a drop in the level of service provided.

That reflects badly, not only on you but on the health care facility as a whole. If you are missing any of these 5 aged care aids at your facility, you need to get in touch with your supervisors to have access to them when you need them most.

1. Wheelchairs
This is an absolute essential and can be used with many of the other aids mentioned here. There are many elderly that face difficulty when walking and a wheelchair on hand ensures that they don’t have to wait and suffer in discomfort to get to where they want.
It’s really important to have wheelchairs available on the spot if there is an injury in the elderly as the statistics about hip injuries and lack of immediate care are not that bright.

2. Gel Cushions
There are times when the elderly patient complains of pain in their hip joints and that sends stress signals, as your mind starts to go haywire thinking of the implications. You don’t need to be worried. With gel cushions, you’ll be able to have support for the elderly when they sit down.
The gel cushions are especially formulated for multiple uses, and are recommended by physiotherapists for pressure problems that may lead to stress fractures down the road.

3. Arthritis Handles
If there are elderly in your aged care facility that you see, struggling to open doors due to arthritis, an arthritis handle can help them be more mobile with less effort. It can safely attach to doors and drawers to help open them easily.
There’s no need to twist any knobs, grip firmly or any of the hard stuff. The elderly can get a hold of the things most important for them with an arthritis handle installed on doors and cupboards.

4. Hip Protection Pants
Safety+Mobility Aged Care Suppliers also have unisex protection pants with padded pressure guards, especially near the hip, for the elderly. It can be worn over undergarments as well, if they feel uncomfortable wearing it without underpants.
It’s not embarrassing as it is barely visible to anyone and protects the most precious areas of the elderly’s lower torso when they sit and walk. It’s a necessary aged care aid for those prone to hip problems.

5. Back Support
Lastly, back support is also very important because as we age, our bones also start to weaken without the proper diet and exercise. It means that you need to have our most important body areas safeguarded as we approach our golden years. A cushion provides the back and head support to help the elderly with posture problems.

By |2023-01-30T17:06:43-05:00February 19th, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on Guest Blog: 5 Aged Care Aids that Should Be Accessible to Health Workers

Guest Blog: Cognitive Issues in Seniors: Everything You Need To Know

In essence, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition in which an individual experiences a slight decline in mental abilities. While minor, the decline can be easily noticed by the person concerned or the people they interact with. The changes, however, are not severe enough to interfere with their routine activities and daily life.

Decline Due to Normal Aging vs. Mild Cognitive Impairment: What the Difference?

Gradual cognitive decline is sometimes evident with healthy aging. For instance, the mental processing slows down, the ability to learn new information is reduced, and the likelihood of getting distracted increases.

However, decline brought about by normal aging will not affect overall functioning or the ability to perform routine activities. Normal aging will also not affect intelligence, recognition, or long-term memory.

In normal aging, older people may forget names (and words) and misplace things occasionally. However, with mild cognitive impairment, the person forgets information and conversations one would usually remember, such as planned events and other appointments.

Does MCI Always Lead to Dementia?

Dementia is the general term used to describe the severe decline in mental function that interferes with daily living. There are instances, where a treatable disease or illness causes MCI.

However, researchers also discovered that for most patients with MCI, it is considered the point along the pathway to dementia. MCI can be secondary to various illnesses, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and frontotemporal dementia.

Is MCI Common?

According to the American Academy of Neurology, MCI is present in about 8 percent of people aged 65 to 69, in 15 percent of people aged 75 to 79, in 25 percent of those aged 80 to 84, and in about 37 percent of people aged 85 years or older.


If you suspect you have MCI, it is recommended that you see your doctor right away. While there is no specific test that can confirm a diagnosis, your doctor can tell if you have MCI based on the symptoms that manifest and the information you will provide.

About the Author

Melissa Andrews is the Content Marketing Strategist for Paradise Living Centers, an assisted living center for seniors with locations in Paradise Valley and Phoenix, Arizona. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and going on hiking trips with her siblings and cousins.

By |2023-01-30T17:06:25-05:00February 17th, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on Guest Blog: Cognitive Issues in Seniors: Everything You Need To Know

Guest Blog: Hearing Loss and Dementia


Age related hearing loss is the most common form of hearing loss especially in the over 65s. While deteriorating hearing due to an aging system is an (unfortunate) natural process, factors such as family history of hearing loss, smoking, and certain medication, prolonged exposure to loud noise will have an impact on its rate of deterioration and resultant severity.

The human inner ear contains hair cells that help pick up information contained within sound waves. This information is then transmitted by way of the hearing nerve to the brain for further processing. As the body matures (or due to exposure to loud noise), hair cells can become damaged and/or die. The process can start as early as in a person’s 40s, but presents far more commonly in the over 65s and the over 70s. The body is unable to regenerate new hair cells, so there will eventually come a point when the person senses that their hearing isn’t what it used to be. (Although it is often friends and family members that notice the deterioration in hearing ability and alert the individual.)

There are common problems that the hard of hearing report; but how significant their impact on the person’s daily life will vary considerably across individuals.

Common symptoms include:

• Difficulty hearing people around you
• Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
• Frustration at not being able to hear
• Certain sounds seeming overly loud
• Problems hearing in noisy areas
• Problems telling apart certain sounds such as “s” or “th”
• More difficulty understanding people with higher-pitched voices
• Ringing in the ears

Loss of hearing and its likely cause can be established after attending a hearing test. The hearing exam or hearing test will cover a review of your medical history and a physical ear exam. If the hearing loss is age-related in nature, it is often managed through the use of hearing aids. There is no cure to undo the natural aging process that results in hair cell decline, so treatment should be viewed as a means to improve quality of life by managing the condition rather than curing it.

Those that willingly or unwillingly leave hearing loss unmanaged may face further longer term health complications, including depression, and perhaps surprisingly, cognitive and mental health decline.

There is a worrying link between hearing loss and dementia currently being explored. Recent research suggests that there is a connection between hearing loss and dementia. The hard of hearing are at a high risk of experiencing social isolation due to reduced communication with their immediate surroundings; and perhaps as a result of this, they are reportedly more likely to develop dementia.

An individual with hearing loss must concentrate harder to hear and often has to use lip reading and facial expressions to fill in the gaps as to what was said. After a while, this level of concentration can lead to fatigue and symptoms that mimic physical exhaustion. Some individuals may choose to simply avoid conversation, as it is too exhausting, thereby opening the door to social isolation.

If you have concerns about your hearing or the hearing of someone you care for, do arrange a simple and quick hearing test.

Information written by Joan McKechnie BSc Hons Audiology & Speech Pathology. Joan works for UK based Hearing Direct. In addition to her role as one of the company’s audiologists, Joan helps maintain an information blog on hearing loss.

By |2023-01-30T17:06:10-05:00February 15th, 2023|Dr. Mauk's Boomer Blog, News Posts|Comments Off on Guest Blog: Hearing Loss and Dementia
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