Guest Post: Ways to Relieve Stress and Back Pain
Are you experiencing stiffness in your back? Beware; it might be an indication of stress. Though it might sound a bit weird, stress can cause back pains. Being anxious about anything switches on the stress response of your body. As a result, you become tenser as your body prepares you to fight, flee, or freeze in the stress causing situation. Your bloodstream is also flooded with a cascade of chemicals which in turn makes your muscles spasm. As a result, you experience back pain.
How To Reduce Stress And Back Pain?
After you know the reason for the back pain, it is important for you to take control of the stress levels. Here is a list of steps you can take to relieve stress level and the back pain generated from it.
Breathing and Stretching
Stretching can help you a great deal to make the stiffness of the back muscles go away. However, you should be very alert while stretching. Stop stretching if you experience any kind of pain. Deep breathing is a well-known technique which reduces stress. Pilates and yoga are also known to reduce stress and back pain. However, you should always consult a professional before you decide to take up these exercises.
Apply A Cold or Warm Compress
You can apply cold compresses such as ice pack if you have inflammation in your back. If your back is stiff, then you can use hot compresses such as a heating pad. Hot compresses also reduce muscle cramping and spasms. Therapists generally advise taking moist hot compress instead of dry one. To do that you can take a bath in hot water to loosen the sore muscles.
Avoid Caffeine
You should stop consuming caffeine at all. Caffeine increases the stress response in your body, which will prevent the healing of the back pain. You should go for caffeine-free alternatives such as lavender tea, which soothes the body and relieves stress.
Sleep is most necessary to repair the sore muscles of your back. Most people who experience back pain also suffer from sleep disturbances which in turn induce stress. You should try different postures for better night’s sleep. Do not sleep on your stomach as this posture causes added strain to the back.
Exercise and Rest
Exercise is necessary to Relieve stress. However, too much exercise can increase back pain. If you do too little, then your muscles can become locked up resulting spasm. In short, you need to find a balance between these two. Regular walking and stretching can loosen and strengthen the back muscles.
Control of the stressors of life might not be in your hands, but maintaining your health is. So, practice these tips to not let the stressors interfere with the happiness of your life.